Holy Hollow! Kyle’s Handstand Course, Week 1
A little bit about me… So I told you earlier about my fears and why I was interested in Kyle’s course. Here’s a little background on my movement/fitness life. I…
Kyle’s Handstand Course… here I go!
One Year Ago there was no handstand course… One year ago, I was far from considering a Handstand course. Instead, I had just given birth to a beautiful daughter. One…
Finding Balance in Handstand
“Balance in Handstand cannot be taught. It must be found,” a wise man once said. That wise man is a really incredible one arm Handstand master, Mau Jara. Born in…
Perth – a Treat As an Affordable Handstand Retreat
While doing a Handstand retreat can be a valuable way to immerse in the practice and learn from a specific teacher, our friend Soundschi from Handstand Diary claims that coming…
How To Do a One Arm Handstand
Our friend Soundschi from Handstand Diary continues her journey in Perth by talking with another one arm Handstand genius – Paul Twyman. What’s his secret? Hard work, dedication, structure, and…
Handstand Injuries and Training While Parenting
David Marion is one of seven people in Perth who can rock one armed Handstand! He’s super relaxed on the couch as our friend Soundschi asks him all about fitting…
Individual Style in Hand Balancing featuring Harry Williams
Handstand practitioners are not created equal: they are not all the same height, weight, and flexibility level. Since this is the case, why would anyone be teaching handstand the same…
Handstand Community is Important!
Humans are not meant to exist on their own. This is proven time and time again through mental health research and even shows up in historical data. We are a…
Handstand Performance with Andrii Bondarenko
Yup, this guy is a Handstand genius. Andrii Bondarenko is proud of his accomplishments. He has clearly worked his tail off (literally) to get to where he is – a…
Awareness and Autoregulation in Handstand
Awareness and autoregulation in Handstand create a major shift in skills training for most people. What does this mean? Stop trying so hard during training and instead focus on the…