Sasha Sosniak
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Humans are not meant to exist on their own. This is proven time and time again through mental health research and even shows up in historical data. We are a community! There’s so much value in having people around when learning Handstand. According to Lewis Yost, a 17 year old one arm balance prodigy, a Handstand community is EVERYTHING.
Our friend Soundschi over at Handstand Diary sat down with Lewis and chatted with him about all things Handstand, including Handstand community. He’s young, knowledgeable, and totally down to earth – “there’s so much to learn.”
Lewis attributes most of his success to his main coach. He also loves all the things he’s learned from people along the way. He’s excited to become a teacher one day so he can help others. He is also interested in performing.
There are a lot of opportunities when it comes to the Hand Balancing lifestyle and Lewis is the first to admit that having a community of people to learn from and to be supported by is the best part of the whole thing!
Check out the full interview here:
There you have it: Lewis is passionate about all things Handstand and the world is his oyster! It’s really cool that he recognizes the power of community and the importance of having a supportive tribe around.
Soundschi is making her way around the globe and interviewing lots of interesting humans. If you would like to ask her a question you can go directly to her YouTube feed or website. Hope you’re all having a great week and check us out next time for more Handstand tips, tricks, and inspiration.