Your Mental Mindset in Handstand Training

Your Handstand training mindset is a huge part of your path to success. It can honestly make or break you. Ask yourself, are you determined enough to accomplish a complex…

One Arm Handstands: an interview with Coach Helgi Freyr

Have you ever really wanted to accomplish something but felt like you couldn’t? Coach Helgi Freyr has been there. He was injured during football practice and ended up playing video games…

Handstand Training Obsessiveness & Reasonability

If you have a regular Handstand practice, you understand the obsession. Soundschi over at Handstand Diary recently interviewed Mikael Kristiansen. He is one of the world’s foremost Handstand coaches and…

Patience And Commitment In Handstanding

She’s back again with another AMAZING interview! This time, Soundschi over at Handstand Diary interviews one of my favorite international Hand Balancers, Ulrik Ask Fossum! On a personal note, Ulrik…

It’s Never Too Late To Start Handstanding

This video really hits home for me, since my own mom got her first Handstand at age 60! Soundschi over at Handstand Diary interviews Christine, who is Handstanding and Pole…

No Glory In The Day-To-Day

Your Handstand (and your life) depends on how consistently you work on your craft. It’s that simple. To all my physical fitness friends out there that have any practice, of…

What Happens When You Nail Handstand

I remember it like it was yesterday. Summer 2011. The scene was my regular super sweaty 6:00am Power Vinyasa class in Denver. I hit up that class every Thursday morning…

Yoga Etiquette- No Cell Phones in the Studio

Ok, so this has been on my mind for bit, and I’ve had a couple of students approach me about it, so here it goes. Yoga etiquette… Cell phones inside…

Yoga Etiquette – Being Late To Class

An open letter to students who are habitually late for yoga class. Ok, some of my yoga teacher friends are going to absolutely fucking hate this post. And I don’t…