Kyle Weiger
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If you have a regular Handstand practice, you understand the obsession. Soundschi over at Handstand Diary recently interviewed Mikael Kristiansen. He is one of the world’s foremost Handstand coaches and in this interview, he talks about what’s reasonable in your Handstand training.
One of my favorite things that Mikael talks about here, is how to manage your energy in an efficient way while practicing handstand. Gah! I couldn’t agree more!
Quality training always wins, especially when it comes to handstand, which is something that requires a lot of different skills. For those of us who have had exposure to the traditional gymnastics mentality, you’ve seen just how brutal training can be.
For instance, you can practice routines for weeks without improving any of your actual skills. If you applied this approach to handstand, you’d be in trouble. You’d literally be doing handstand over and over again potentially without proper alignment. So, you’d be powering through and possibly creating an injury.
Proper and specific skill training is DIFFERENT. I love the way Mikael articulates it here and compares learning handstand to learning a musical instrument.
For more from Mikael, you can follow him @mikaelbalancing
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If you have questions or comments for Soundschi, you can leave them here on the YouTube video feed, or head on over to and reach out to her directly!
Stay tuned Handstander, as I have plenty more Handstand goodies from Soundschi coming your way! Her light-hearted approach to practice and genuine good nature make her a pleasure to work with, so be sure to keep coming back for more Handstand tips, interviews with the pros, and general practice knowledge.
Easy 🙂