The Top 5 Beginner Handstand Mistakes

Kyle Weiger
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The top 5 beginner handstand mistakes are more obvious than you might think.

Learning handstands can be a fun and rewarding way to challenge yourself and improve your strength and balance.

However, as with any new skill, it’s important to approach handstands with proper technique and caution in order to avoid injury. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the five biggest beginner handstand mistakes that people often make when trying to learn handstands, and how you can avoid them.

  1. Not warming up properly: Before attempting any handstands, it’s important to warm up your body properly. This includes stretching and activating your shoulder muscles, as well as your core and leg muscles. Without a proper warm-up, you may be more prone to injury, and you’ll also be less likely to have the strength and control necessary to hold a handstand.
  2. Not having a wall or spotter: Handstands can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to them. It’s always a good idea to have a wall or spotter nearby to help you if you lose your balance or start to fall. A spotter can also give you feedback on your technique and help you make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Not using proper technique is a HUGE beginner handstand mistake: There are many different techniques for entering and exiting a handstand, and it’s important to find the one that works best for you. However, there are a few key principles that apply to all handstands. For example, it’s important to keep your body straight and tight, and to keep your weight evenly distributed between your hands. If you’re unsure of the proper technique, consider working with a coach or watching instructional videos online.
  4. Not building up slowly: Handstands require a lot of strength and control, and it’s important to build up to them slowly. Don’t try to hold a handstand for a long time on your first try – instead, focus on getting comfortable with the position and gradually increasing your hold time. It’s also a good idea to start with handstands against a wall, which can provide additional support and help you build confidence.
  5. Not being patient: Learning handstands takes time and practice, and it’s important to be patient with yourself as you progress. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t hold a handstand for very long at first, or if you have trouble maintaining balance. With consistent practice, you’ll gradually improve your strength and control.

In conclusion, handstands can be a fun and challenging way to improve your overall physical fitness, but it’s important to approach them with proper technique and caution.

By avoiding these five common beginner handstand mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the handstand and reaping the many benefits it has to offer.

If you want my best drills for avoiding these mistakes, grab your free video below!

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