Take a few minutes to watch this short video, and get more gains in 8 weeks than you have had in the last year!

Going from random sporadic holds to consistently hitting 20+ seconds every time comes down to your Conditioning and Technique.

If those are feelings that you know all too well, you’re in the right place, so keep reading…


Once you get your first few 5 to 10-second holds, even if they are wobbly and unstable to start, that feeling becomes an obsession…

And after a random good hold, you find yourself constantly chasing that feeling of staying balanced but it seems impossible to replicate…
Well, this is the biggest dilemma that new students face:

How do you get better at Handstand if you can’t kick up and consistently hold your Handstand???
The Answer: You train both Conditioning and Technique together.
So let’s get you on a system that was built for this exact purpose.
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” – Atomic Habits


With this training protocol, you’re going to start seeing more regular holds in the first few weeks, as we build your handstand up to stable consistency.


The 30 to 60 Protocol

PROTOCOL EXPLAINED: The Conditioning Block (Videos C1 – C4) is laid out to build you from 30 seconds up to 60 seconds in specific wall-supported drills I’ve developed for this program.

Each video will conclude with your freestanding sets away from the wall so you can see the immediate impact on your strength!

This progressive increase in Time Under Tension will translate into longer freestanding holds when you learn how to do them properly. Increasing your freestanding consistency is so much more than just “kick to the wall and hold for as long as you can”…

VIDEO C1: Foundations

Run Time: 42 Minutes

VIDEO C2: Strength Builder

Run Time: 42 Minutes

VIDEO C3: Finding Stability

Run Time: 45 Minutes

VIDEO C4: Rock Solid

Run Time: 52 Minutes

Your training sessions in this specific Block are going to take you from 30-second wall drills in C1 all the way to 60 seconds by C4.
So in the Conditioning Block, all you’re set times are already calculated for you!

At the end of each video, I’ll let you know exactly how much total T.U.T. (Time Under Tension) you’ve accumulated for that particular workout so you can track it, and watch it grow over time!


Scissor-Tuck-Straddle Protocol

PROTOCOL EXPLAINED: When you’re doing the Technique Block (Videos T1 – T4), you’re going to be training better movement patterns for a more consistent arrival in your handstand. Each of these videos breaks down a specific entry intro handstand down to its finest detail.

VIDEO T1: Scissor (L-Kick)

Run Time: 40 Minutes

VIDEO T2: Tuck

Run Time: 32 Minutes

VIDEO T3: Straddle

Run Time: 35 Minutes

VIDEO T4: Combo Training

Run Time: 41 Minutes

As you’re getting crazy strong with the Conditioning Block, you’re also training a surgical level of technique in parallel.

This bulletproof combination of protocols will give a smoother entry to your handstand, and the ability to hold it like a complete boss.
If you want to move and hold like a handstand pro, you have to train both together, and that’s exactly what this program does!

Full Protocol: Putting It All Together!


This program comes with 2 different warm up routines – One for your Conditioning days and one for your Technique days. 

Time: 13 Minutes


Time: 23 Minutes

"I'd been trying my hand at handstands for many years, but it wasn't until I found Kyle that my practice completely transformed. I went from 5 second holds to almost 30-second holds with his coaching; he keeps me focused, light-hearted, and gives me a great perspective on the long term goals. I'm still progressing forward, excited to see what's next! I highly recommend Kyle, who is a wonderful coach and a beautiful human to train with!"
United States Navy
The best you can be at anything is equal to the average amount of time you spend doing it each week.


To put the value of this course in perspective, my Private 1-on-1 Coaching clients pay about $250 per session…So if you multiply $250 x 8 full weeks of training, it gets into the thousands pretty quickly.

But because you’ve read this far, and I know you’re determined to get your consistent freestanding holds, I want to make this a much easier decision for you.

So here’s everything that you’re getting with your training package today:

Member's Only: Course & Phase Tracking

Training Videos + Warmup Routines

8-Week Workout Guide PDF

Supplemental Mobility Routine


This 8-week protocol is on sale right now, so take advantage and grab your copy today!

All major credit cards & PayPal accepted!


Alona Zhuravel, Professional Hand Balancer
As an added bonus for grabbing your course today, you’ll also be getting access to a set of interviews with Cirque Du Soleil Hand Balance Artist, and subject matter expert with decades of experience, Alona Zhruavel!
Alona’s approach to finding mechanical efficiency in handstand, coupled with her focus on the breath as your source of movement, will give you a new perspective to train with as you dive into your course material.

You’re going to learn a lot in these 2 interviews!
Your body will adapt to the stimulus you put in front of it. You are literally hard-wired for learning new skills. Let me show you how!


When it comes to my programming, there’s not really a wrong way to use it. You can stick to the Optimized Schedule that I have outlined for the course…Or you can take any of the videos and plug them into your regular routine wherever it fits for you!
These videos are here whenever you need them!


Watch this short video to learn a little more about how and why The 8-Week Freestanding Protocol was created!
A little about your Coach:

Most importantly, I’ve taken thousands of students from “random” 5 seconds of unstable balance…into consistent 20-second holds!


You can train literally anywhere that works for you. This program is accessible on any desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

Also, you can watch the videos embedded inside my Member’s Only area and expand to full screen on any device.
My website is built to be responsive to your viewing preferences, so the video playback and audio will be crisp and clear no matter where you log in from!


I’ll keep this short and sweet:

If you do this protocol and do not dramatically improve your freestanding hold times, I’ll refund you every penny. No questions asked.
Since 2017, I’ve had less than a 0.5% refund rate on all my trainings, so put your mind at ease, and know that you’re completely covered here. I don’t want unhappy students or unhappy money, so if the program doesn’t work for you, just email me and I’ll take care of the rest!


Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that will help you get a better understanding of the long-term value of this Course!

You’re a busy person and I can definitely appreciate that! Sometimes life puts a lot on your plate. So if you want to take longer than the 8 weeks to complete the course, you can absolutely do that. With your lifetime access to the videos, your membership never expires!

Your trainings are 60 – 70 minutes, which you’re suggested to do 3 to 4 times a week. Each Block comes with it’s own warmup routine, but if you have your own preferred warm up routine, you can just click on the workout video for that day and get started!

With my program, you can stick to the 8-week schedule, or you can use these videos as your own personal “plug & play” handstand resource to work into your current fitness routine as you see fit. Again, you have unlimited access!

My refund policy is super simple: If you do this program and don’t come out with a better handstand than when you started, I will refund every penny. This coaching just plain works, which is why since 2017 I have had a less than 0.5% refund rate!

You may have tried other courses before, or even gone to handstand workshops, and not gotten much out of them. This course is the brainchild of my years of training in Yoga, Gymnastics, and Hand Balancing, and I learned all this as an adult, so I specialize in teaching adults because I remember exactly what that learning curve was like!

A Beginner PLUS student is someone who is very comfortable at the wall, and can even catch freestanding balance here and there…but it’s not every time. If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place!

Yes! When my mom wanted to get in shape and was craving something exciting to take on, she dove into my handstand program as a casual challenge to start…and before we knew it, she was doing 30-seconds holds in her basement (with the support of her 3 cats, of course). Mom, if you’re reading this, I love you.


Get started today and let’s finally hit your handstand goals together!


"Kyle will no doubt get you from where you are to where you want to be in your handstand training. I can feel myself getting stronger every day in mind, body, and spirit. Easy!"
Handstand Course Student Grace Profile Picture
Kickboxing Instructor
"First impressions count so when I saw with the clarity of video and explanation of exercises, I thought we are on a winner here. To see every session started with a guided warm up, I am thinking this bloke not only knows how to do a handstand but he actually knows how to break an exercise down and teach it correctly while also taking care of the body. Well done to you Kyle."
Handstand Course Student Simon Profile Picture
Fitness Expert
"I had zero experience with Handstand other than looking at people's pictures on Instagram. I was surprised at the trust I was able to build within myself, and that confidence was really what set off the Handstand. I would recommend this course to anyone!"
Handstand Course Student Juliet Profile Picture
Yoga Student
"I remember practicing handstands as a kid, and while I could sometimes walk on my hands, I could never hold a handstand. Now, forty some years later, I have been able to hold a handstand for more than 15 seconds, which seems like an eternity! Thanks for helping me meet a long-standing personal challenge!"
Handstand Course Student Amy Profile Picture
Graphic Designer
"I've always been afraid of kicking up in a yoga class and toppling over. And in this course I learned that Handstands aren't as scary as I thought they were! It's all about play and finding your line. I came away with a lot of great drills I can do in a yoga class if I want to. I can do my Planks & Hollows at home if I need to! Just overall a really great course!"
Handstand Course Student Chloe Profile Picture
Physical Therapy Student
"I learned a lot about consistency. It's crazy how in just a few weeks you can make so much physical and mental progress. It was so fun and so physically challenging at the same time!"
Handstand Course Student Isaac Profile Picture
Non-Profit Volunteer
"I'm über glad I jumped in and started this, something I've always wanted to try & accomplish! I've learned to stack my body and joints, and balance on my hands in space. I'll be able to jump into a handstand, be able to correct my posture and hold the balance. I'm way stronger and more aware in my body."
Handstand Course Student Beth Profile Picture
"I really enjoy that the class is both a full-body workout and a mind workout. On the mental side, it keeps me interested. I feel I am learning about the complexities of handstand in a way that will make permanent changes to my movement and the understanding of my body. Kyle's coaching is detailed but not overwhelming. On the physical side, I am challenged, and sweating, and just a bit sore between workouts."
Handstand Course Student Mara Profile Picture
Media Designer
"The great thing about Kyle's class is that his approach to it is very organized & tiered. He just doesn't give you a bunch of stuff and say 'Ok now do it'. I'd really recommend this course to anyone who's looking to bring some integrity to their Handstand."
Handstand Course Student Khary Profile Picture
College Professor
"This course is giving me inspiration, power and motivation in all aspects of my life. Kyle's method of teaching truly rocks! The things he says are motivating, encouraging, but keep me realistic, grounded and persistent to keep on working hard."
Handstand Course Student Petia Profile Picture
Musician & Vocalist
"I’ve been trying to stick a handstand for 2 years. It wasn’t until I started Kyle’s beginner handstand program that I got consistent with my balance. I like that the program is multidisciplinary, and every exercise has a purpose. If you want to get a solid core and gain the necessary flexibility and balance required to stick a handstand, I’d highly recommend this program!"
Handstand Course Student Addie Profile Picture
Yoga Instructor
"This course taught me that even someone like me who's pushing 50, through a good solid foundation, can actually do a Handstand and learn to incorporate it into a regular yoga practice. What surprised me about the course was Kyle's approach. His Handstand background is Gymnastics and mine is mainly Yoga."
Handstand Course Student Geoff Profile Picture
Invest in your practice today because your future self will thank you!

Complete Program


Let's make your consistent holds an everyday occurrence!