Have you tried Handstand before but just can’t seem to unlock this missing piece?
This program is made specifically for adult beginners with any kind of fitness experience! So whether you do Yoga, CrossFit, Running, or anything else, this is THE handstand training for you!
Watch this short video to learn everything you need to know!


This 6-week course is absolutely perfect for beginners who already have some kind of fitness routine. Join the 10,000+ students in 72 countries who have already nailed their handstand with this program!
"Before 6WTHS I had zero experience with Handstand other than looking at people's pictures on Instagram. I was surprised at the trust I was able to build within myself, and that confidence was really what set off the Handstand. I would recommend this course to anyone!"
Handstand Course Student Juliet Profile Picture
Yoga Student
My mom didn’t start handstanding until she was in her 60’s. Now she can hold for 30+ seconds in the middle of the room whenever she wants!


Right now, the 2 BIGGEST road blocks holding you back from nailing your Handstand are:

The good news is that BOTH of these are easy to fix…but first, tell me if any of the scenarios below sound familiar…


If you want the quickest path to your handstand, you can save a TON of time with these keys I’ve discovered through years of my own trial and error…Mostly error.
Here’s what you’ll see in your wall drills after just one day of practice…Imagine 6 weeks of guided coaching!


6 Weeks To Handstand has been the #1 online Handstand video course for years, and that’s because it gives you new skills and drills each week that build on the week before, so you can see progress every time you train.


The 1st workout video will introduce you to foundational Handstand movements, and sets you up for HUGE success in later Phases. This is where you will start to build your relationship to Handstand by installing smart movement patterns in your body.


Ok, so you finally worked up the courage to ask Handstand on a date…And I have some good news…Handstand is into it! Phase 2 is where you will start to accelerate your strength and balance and introduce new skills and drills for you to work on in this 2nd video!


From the physical standpoint, you can consider this a Load Week. You’ll increase the rep count and complexity of drills. Phase 3 will definitely be the most intimate training you’ve had with your Handstand so far.


After 3 weeks of increasing depth in your Handstand training, you’ve earned a very well-deserved De-Load Week. You will intentionally scale back the training days and focus on flexibility, so you can bounce back stronger than ever for Phase 5!


Reunited…AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! After your De-Load week, you will be in your prime state for the skill acquisition of the final 2 Phases, stepping up your intensity on your endurance holds, along with introducing fun dynamic Handstand movements.


You and your Handstand are officially soulmates now. In this final Phase of your Handstand Course, you will work on skill refinement and locking in the detailed points of your Handstand. This is where all the puzzle pieces finally come together!
Here’s one thing I know for sure: Your Handstand is A LOT more than just working on your muscles. It’s your entire body and mind working together as one complete system, so these 2 additional videos put you in the best overall physical and mental shape so you can accomplish your goal!
Coach Kyle doing splits with blocks at his side for Handstand Course Yoga and Meditation


To be a true Handstander, working on your Mobility is absolutely ESSENTIAL! This video will give you strong and mobile Wrists, Shoulders, Hips, and Hammies. This routine is perfect for your off-days to keep you at peak performance!
Coach Kyle doing child pose with blocks at his side for Handstand Course Yoga and Meditation


Your off-days also focus on your holistic health, as the best compliment to your Handstand Course, because it puts your Central Nervous System completely at ease. You conclude your Vinyasa Flow with a Meditation on positive mindset and Handstand visualization exercises!
6 Weeks To Handstand course calendar by coach Kyle Weiger
This Workout Guide is your step-by-step roadmap to your BIG Handstand breakthroughs! And it also includes your important rest & recovery cycles!

You can stick to precise schedule, or do it at your own pace 🙂



Let’s take a look at everything you’re getting with this package, including the HUGE DISCOUNT you get just for signing up today!
Collage of two videos of Kyle doing child pose and splits with play button for Handstand Course Yoga and Meditation
6 Weeks To Handstand course calendar by coach Kyle Weiger
That’s a ton of training resources you’ll be getting as part of this package today!

To put things in a different perspective, my rate for private coaching is $150/hour…so if you multiply $150 x 4-5 trainings per week x 6 weeks, you’re easily over $4000…

So instead of $4000 for private coaching…

Or even the $1994 worth of training resources, today I have a much better deal for you!
Grab your course today for LIFETIME access!
All major credit cards and PayPal accepted!
Social media post of Danielle Winslow giving positive feedback to coach Kyle Weigers course with handstand video


FULL DISCLOSURE: I learned Handstand as an adult in my Mid-30’s, with absolutely ZERO background as a child.

I didn’t grow up doing gymnastics, and I wasn’t born into a family of acrobatsso I struggled to learn Handstand as an adult myself, and I know exactly what it’s like…
So I set out on a mission to put together a program specifically for adult beginners like you for building your strength AND balance faster than you ever thought possible!
Here’s the workout format of each video:
Workout Protocol Graphic Essential Joint Health Dynamic Movement Static Strength Skills & Drills Handstand Entries Cool Down
Since all the reps, sets, skills, and drills are already mapped out for you step-by-step, this program is an easy decision!
"This course is giving me inspiration, power and motivation in all aspects of my life, that will last long after the 6 weeks are over. Kyle's method of teaching truly rocks!"
Handstand Course Student Petia Profile Picture
Musician & Vocalist


I have answers 🙂
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that will help you get a better understanding of the long-term value of this Handstand Course!
You are a busy person and I can definitely appreciate that! Sometimes life puts a lot on your plate. I feel it too. So if you want to take longer than 6 weeks to complete the course, you absolutely have that option. With your lifetime access guaranteed, your membership never expires!
Your video workouts are between 60 – 70 minutes, which you do 2-4 times per week. The workouts vary in length, depending on which Phase you are in. For example, Phase 1 has a shorter workout because you’re just getting started. As you get stronger, you’ll be introduced to new drills and homework so you can continue to grow and improve.
This is absolutely 100% ok! Some people take more time with the first couple of Phases to get used to the training. Others stay on some of the later Phases for longer to work on skill refinement. Even after you mark a Phase as complete, you can go back to it as many times as you want!
You can log into your course from any computer, laptop, phone, or tablet! Upon signing up, you simply create your Username (email) and Password (whatever you choose). My site is mobile-responsive, so your videos are crystal clear on EVERY device. It’s also equipped with state-of-the-art SSL encryption, so your data is always  100% safe!
One thing you can absolutely count on is that this program will absolutely make you a better all around athlete no matter what! Over the 6 weeks you’ll become stronger and more flexible, so whether you do Yoga, CrossFit, Pilates, Dance, or general Fitness, you’re going to perform better.
My refund policy is super simple: If you try this program and don’t enjoy it, you have 15 days from the date of purchase to return it for a full 100% refund. Just email me directly, and I’ll hit the magic button to send your payment back to you 🙂
You may have tried other courses before, or gone to handstand workshops and not gotten much out of them. Trust me, I’ve been right there with you! This course is the brainchild of my years of training in Dance, Yoga, Gymnastics, and Hand Balancing, and it just plain works. Try it for 15 days completely risk-free!
1000% YES! My mom wanted to get in shape, and she was craving something exciting in her life at the time, so she took on handstand as a “casual” challenge with my course…But before she knew it, she was training 3-4 days a week, and very quickly handstanding like a BOSS in her basement…with the support of her several cats! She started when she was 60 years old, and hasn’t looked back since! Mom, if you’re reading this, I love you with my whole heart.
If you have any other questions, you can always text me directly at 657-215-5717! I want to make sure you’re 100% totally confident in starting your Handstand journey, so I’m here for you to answer any questions to help put your mind at ease!  



Because your future self will thank you tomorrow!

Normally $1,994...

All major credit cards and PayPal accepted!
“This program is so much more than just an online course. I got a 19-second freestanding hold today, and my best ever before that was 6 seconds!” – Claire, US 


Everyone starts at different places in their Handstand Journey. I started at 34, and my mom started in her 60’s, for example.

Since I have been coaching this practice to 10,000+ students of all ages, shapes, and sizes, my guarantee is super simple: This program will 100% give you the BEST handstand that you’ve ever had in your life!

With the way your brain and body adapt to new skills, there is no physiological way that you can follow this program and not get exponentially better at handstand in just a few weeks!
In fact, I’ll even give you 15 days from the date of purchase to try it out. If in those first 15 days, you decide that it’s not for you, just email me and I’ll hit the magic button and send all your money back to you!

So if you had any reservations about joining today, go ahead and put your mind at ease. This course is going to give you the results you want, and I’m here to support you throughout the process!


I’m on a mission to show you that you are A LOT stronger than you think…
And not just a little stronger…

I’m talking like a “Holy Sh*t! I can’t believe I just did that!” kind of stronger!
My in-person workshops have spanned the globe, with students of all ages and skill levels!

Along with workshops in almost every major city in the US, I’ve been invited to teach in Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, Ireland, Germany, Italy, The UK, and Australia!

I’ve been very fortunate in my career to get the opportunity to help so many awesome students get their freestanding Handstand, and this online course gives you all my best skills and drills broken down into an easy-to-follow program that you get to keep forever!
Register Today!
All major credit cards and PayPal accepted!


Let’s look at what you’re going to feel and experience when you start training with an experienced and specialized Coach!


Learn the same training method that 10,000+ students in 72 countries have already used to get their freestanding handstand hold…including my own mom!
"I really enjoy that the class is both a full-body workout and a mind workout. On the mental side, it keeps me interested. I feel I am learning about the complexities of handstand in a way that will make permanent changes to my movement and the understanding of my body. Kyle's coaching is detailed but not overwhelming. On the physical side, I am challenged, and sweating, and just a bit sore between workouts."
Handstand Course Student Mara Profile Picture
Media Designer
"I remember practicing handstands as a kid, and while I could sometimes walk on my hands, I could never hold a handstand. Now, forty some years later, I have been able to hold a handstand for more than 15 seconds, which seems like an eternity! Thanks for helping me meet a long-standing personal challenge!"
Handstand Course Student Amy Profile Picture
Graphic Designer
"This course taught me that even someone like me who's pushing 50, through a good solid foundation, can actually do a Handstand and learn to incorporate it into a regular yoga practice. What surprised me about the course was Kyle's approach. His Handstand background is Dance, Gymnastics, and Acrobatics, and mine is mainly Yoga."
Handstand Course Student Geoff Profile Picture
"I'm entering Phase 3 of 6WTHS right now and I've finally found the key tool to make my handstands a reality after 5+ years of headstands/handstands against the wall. I tried doing my own research and have sought out help from yoga studios in my area. No studios around me offered JUST a handstand class, and nothing seemed to be working for me. Kyle will no doubt get you from where you are to where you want to be in your handstand journey. I can feel myself getting stronger every day in mind, body, and spirit. Easy!"
Handstand Course Student Grace Profile Picture
Kickboxing Instructor
"I've always been afraid of kicking up in a yoga class and toppling over. And in this course I learned that Handstands aren't as scary as I thought they were! It's all about play and finding your line. I came away with a lot of great drills I can do in a yoga class if I want to. I can do my Planks & Hollows at home if I need to! Just overall a really great course!"
Handstand Course Student Chloe Profile Picture
PT Student
"Before 6WTHS I had zero experience with Handstand other than looking at people's pictures on Instagram. I was surprised at the trust I was able to build within myself, and that confidence was really what set off the Handstand. I would recommend this course to anyone!"
Handstand Course Student Juliet Profile Picture
Yoga Student
"In 6WTHS, I learned a lot about consistency. It's crazy how in just 6 weeks you can make so much physical and mental progress. It was so fun and so physically challenging at the same time!"
Handstand Course Student Isaac Profile Picture
Non-Profit Volunteer
"These last 6 weeks have been so much fun and I'm so stoked with the progress! I'm über glad I jumped in and started this, something I've always wanted to try & accomplish! I've learned to stack my body and joints, and balance on my hands in space. I'm able to jump into a handstand, be able to correct my posture and hold the balance. I'm way stronger and more aware in my body."
Handstand Course Student Beth Profile Picture
"Prior to 6WTHS my only experience with Handstand was kicking up to a wall and that was it. I never wanted to try any other way, and definitely not in the middle of the room"
Handstand Course Student Bobbie Profile Picture
Yoga Student
You are capable of far more than you thought possible! Let me show you just how strong you really are.


After coaching Handstand full-time since 2016, here are a few things I want you to know with absolute certainty:
Photo Collage of coach Kyle Weiger's handstand progress 6 photos from left to right
Social media post of Nike Schmidt giving positive feedback to coach Kyle Weigers course with handstand video
Social media post of Cecelia Kresser giving positive feedback to coach Kyle Weigers course with handstand video
Are you looking for Coaching and Accountability to stay on track with your handstand practice? This course fixes both of those!


 This is where you have a choice to make, my friend…
I want you to imagine it’s 6 months from now, and you’re at a yoga class or the gym…

The person next to you puts their hands on the ground, and effortlessly floats up into a rock-solid Handstand…

They make it look so easy…

Like it’s just part of their everyday workout routine…

And you’re stuck thinking to yourself…“I wish I could do that..”

You knew that you had the opportunity to train with an expert coach…

But then you gradually stopped practicing because you had nothing to keep you accountable…

Because let’s face it, life is just one giant distraction.

Family. Job. Kiddos.

And now 6 months later, you’re still wishing you could do a freestanding handstand…

I’ve just seen this way too many times in my coaching career, and I don’t want this to be you.

Especially when a golden opportunity is right in front of you…

Instead, now imagine 6 months from now when YOU’RE THE ONE people are asking for tips and tricks…

When people are coming up to you at the gym or studio, telling you how much they love your Handstand skills…

When you can put your hands down on the ground and kick up to freestanding balance with complete confidence and ease…

Both of these future realities are sitting in front of you right now, it’s just a matter of choosing where you want your life to be in 6 months…

Also, with the entire Bonus Package + Online Community you’re getting completely for free, the investment already pays for itself…

But we are at the end of the page, and if you’ve read this far, I know there’s something inside you that knows you could nail your handstand if you just had there right kind of coaching and guidance!

Be the type of person that invests in your growth and development, and let me show you just how strong you really are!
Is this going to be the time where you commit to your goals, and GO ALL IN on yourself and your capabilities? 

I truly hope you choose to invest in yourself today!

6 Weeks of Handstand Training Videos!

Extra Yoga & Mobility Videos!

Collage of two videos of Kyle doing child pose and splits with play button for Handstand Course Yoga and Meditation

ALL 6 Guest Speakers & Instructors!

Online Handstand Community!


How you do anything is how you do everything.
Join our tribe today!